YEAR Year QUARTER Quarter (1-4) MONTH Month DAY_OF_MONTH Day of Month DAY_OF_WEEK Day of Week FL_DATE Flight Date (yyyymmdd) OP_UNIQUE_CARRIER Unique Carrier Code. When the same code has been used by multiple carriers, a numeric suffix is used for earlier users, for example, PA, PA(1), PA(2). Use this field for analysis across a range of years. OP_CARRIER_AIRLINE_ID An identification number assigned by US DOT to identify a unique airline (carrier). A unique airline (carrier) is defined as one holding and reporting under the same DOT certificate regardless of its Code, Name, or holding company/corporation. OP_CARRIER Code assigned by IATA and commonly used to identify a carrier. As the same code may have been assigned to different carriers over time, the code is not always unique. For analysis, use the Unique Carrier Code. TAIL_NUM Tail Number OP_CARRIER_fL_NUM Flight Number ORIGIN_AIRPORT_ID Origin Airport, Airport ID. An identification number assigned by US DOT to identify a unique airport. Use this field for airport analysis across a range of years because an airport can change its airport code and airport codes can be reused. ORIGIN_AIRPORT_SEQ_ID Origin Airport, Airport Sequence ID. An identification number assigned by US DOT to identify a unique airport at a given point of time. Airport attributes, such as airport name or coordinates, may change over time. ORIGIN_CITY_MARKET_ID Origin Airport, City Market ID. City Market ID is an identification number assigned by US DOT to identify a city market. Use this field to consolidate airports serving the same city market. ORIGIN Origin Airport ORIGIN_CITY_NAME Origin Airport, City Name ORIGIN_STATE_ABR Origin Airport, State Code ORIGIN_STATE_fIPS Origin Airport, State Fips ORIGIN_STATE_NM Origin Airport, State Name ORIGIN_WAC Origin Airport, World Area Code DEST_AIRPORT_ID Destination Airport, Airport ID. An identification number assigned by US DOT to identify a unique airport. Use this field for airport analysis across a range of years because an airport can change its airport code and airport codes can be reused. DEST_AIRPORT_SEQ_ID Destination Airport, Airport Sequence ID. An identification number assigned by US DOT to identify a unique airport at a given point of time. Airport attributes, such as airport name or coordinates, may change over time. DEST_CITY_MARKET_ID Destination Airport, City Market ID. City Market ID is an identification number assigned by US DOT to identify a city market. Use this field to consolidate airports serving the same city market. DEST Destination Airport DEST_CITY_NAME Destination Airport, City Name DEST_STATE_ABR Destination Airport, State Code DEST_STATE_fIPS Destination Airport, State Fips DEST_STATE_NM Destination Airport, State Name DEST_WAC Destination Airport, World Area Code CRS_DEP_TIME CRS Departure Time (local time: hhmm) DEP_TIME Actual Departure Time (local time: hhmm) DEP_DELAY Difference in minutes between scheduled and actual departure time. Early departures show negative numbers. DEP_DELAY_NEW Difference in minutes between scheduled and actual departure time. Early departures set to 0. DEP_DEL15 Departure Delay Indicator, 15 Minutes or More (1=Yes) DEP_DELAY_GROUP Departure Delay intervals, every (15 minutes from <-15 to >180) DEP_TIME_BLK CRS Departure Time Block, Hourly Intervals TAXI_OUT Taxi Out Time, in Minutes WHEELS_OFF Wheels Off Time (local time: hhmm) WHEELS_ON Wheels On Time (local time: hhmm) TAXI_IN Taxi In Time, in Minutes CRS_ARR_TIME CRS Arrival Time (local time: hhmm) ARR_TIME Actual Arrival Time (local time: hhmm) ARR_DELAY Difference in minutes between scheduled and actual arrival time. Early arrivals show negative numbers. ARR_DELAY_NEW Difference in minutes between scheduled and actual arrival time. Early arrivals set to 0. ARR_DEL15 Arrival Delay Indicator, 15 Minutes or More (1=Yes) ARR_DELAY_GROUP Arrival Delay intervals, every (15-minutes from <-15 to >180) ARR_TIME_BLK CRS Arrival Time Block, Hourly Intervals CANCELLED Cancelled Flight Indicator (1=Yes) CANCELLATION_CODE Specifies The Reason For Cancellation DIVERTED Diverted Flight Indicator (1=Yes) CRS_ELAPSED_TIME CRS Elapsed Time of Flight, in Minutes ACTUAL_ELAPSED_TIME Elapsed Time of Flight, in Minutes AIR_TIME Flight Time, in Minutes FLIGHT Number of Flight DISTANCE Distance between airports (miles) DISTANCE_GROUP Distance Intervals, every 250 Miles, for Flight Segment CARRIER_DELAY Carrier Delay, in Minutes WEATHER_DELAY Weather Delay, in Minutes NAS_DELAY National Air System Delay, in Minutes SECURITY_DELAY Security Delay, in Minutes LATE_AIRCRAFT_DELAY Late Aircraft Delay, in Minutes